мю цкюбмсч

опюбхкю / A-B / C / D-G / H-L / M-R / S-Z

Order # CountryDateDenominationsKM#/Y#Coin DescriptionConditionPrice
C0003 Afghanistan1988500 Afghanis1009.999 Silver, 1986 World Soccer MexicoChBU$30.00
C0004 Afghanistan1989500 Afghanis1011.999 Silver, 1990 World Soccer Italy. Mtg:10,000.Proof$29.00
C0005 Afghanistan1991500 Afghanis1013.999 Silver, 1994 World Soccer USAChBU$29.00
C0006 Afghanistan1995500 Afghanis1023.999 Silver, 1996 Olympics Runners Proof$30.00
C0007 Albania19875 Leke57CN, Seaport of Durazzo ship.Unc$15.00
C0008 Alderney19922 Pounds3CN, Queen's Reign, old ship.Unc$10.50
C0009 Alderney19922 Pounds5CN, Coroation.Unc$10.50
C0010 Alderney19942 Pounds7CN, D-Day, Normandy Invasion.BU$13.00
C0011 Alderney19942 PoundsP5.925 Silver, Pieforts Normandy Invasion.Mtg:500pcsProof AU$60.00
C0012 Alderney19972 Pounds17CN, Golden Wedding Anniv.Unc$12.00
C0013 Algeria Oran192110 CentimesTn2Aluminum, TreeBU$31.00
C0014 Algeria 19921/4 Dinar127Aluminum, FoxUnc$2.00
C0015 American Samoa1988Dollar1Bronze, America's Cup. Mtg: 2,000 pcs. Error Reverse, the reverse is the same as Km2, Km1 show smooth, no decorative pattern circle edge, this one have, same as Km2 reverse.Proof$45.00
C0016 American Samoa19885 Dollars2.999 1 Oz Silver, America's Cup. Mtg: 1,000 pcs.Proof$75.00
C0017 American Samoa19885 Dollars6.1.999 1 Oz Silver, Seoul Olympics, Coin die alignment. Mtg: 1,000 pcs.Proof$78.00
C0018 American Samoa19885 Dollars6.2.999 1 Oz Silver, Seoul Olympics, Medal die alignment.Proof$115.00
C0019 American Samoa198825 Dollars3.999 5 Oz Silver, America's Cup. Mtg: 100 pieces.Proof$245.00
C0020 American Samoa198850 Dollars4.900 Gold, .2500 Oz, America's Cup. Mintage for 100 pieces, with Box.Proof$285.00
C0021 Andorra19991 Centim171Alum, FAO Issue, AngelBU$2.00
C0022 Andorra199725 CentimesNewCN, Multicolor OxBU$8.50
C0023 Andorra198910 Diners53.925 Silver, 1990 World Cup Soccer Games.Proof$14.00
C0024 Andorra 199210 Diners78.925 Silver, ShipProof$29.00
C0025 Andorra199310 Diners89.925 Silver, St. George ECU Customs UnionProof$28.00
C0026 Andorra199410 Diners99.925 Silver, Peter III ECU Customs Union Proof$29.00
C0027 Andorra199510 Diners105.925 Silver, Ramon Berenguer III ECU UnionProof$29.00
C0028 Andorra199610 Diners121.925 Silver, Pope Crowning Chalemagne, ECUProof$29.00
C0029 Andorra 196325 DinersM3.900 Silver, Bishop of Urgel. Mtg:1,350pcsProof$29.00
C0030 Andorra 196050 DinersM2.900 Silver,Chariemagne. Mtg:3,150pcsProof$55.00
C0031 Andorra 196350 DinersM4.900 Silver, Bishop of Urgel. Mtg:3,350pcsProof$44.00
C0032 Angola194910 Centavos70BrzChBU$10.50
C0033 Angola196220 Centavos78BrzChBU$3.50
C0034 Angola196150 Centavos75BrzBU$3.50
C0035 Angola19561 Escudo76BrzBU$8.00
C0036 Angola19562-1/2 Escudos77CN ChBU$5.50
C0037 Angola19725 Escudos81CNUnc$30.00
C0038 Angola19725 Escudos81CN BU$38.00
C0039 Angola195520 Escudos74.720 SilverBU$15.00
C0040 Antigua & Barbuda1970$41CN, FAO issue, bananas.Unc$39.00
C0041 Antigua & Barbuda1982$302.500 Silver, Washington, Yoruktown. 1,200pcs.Proof$50.50
C0042 Antigua1982$303.500 Silver, Washington, Inauguration. 1,125pcs.Proof$50.00
C0043 Antigua1982$304.500 Silver, Washington, horse, 675pcs.Proof$60.00
C0044 ArabiaAH 1352DinarX1Aluminum, 23mm.BU$14.00
C0045 Australia1936CrownXM1aSilver, Kangaroo Mtg:1,000pcs Proof$47.00
C0046 Australia1936CrownXM3a?Brz, Kangaroo Mtg:2,000pcsProof AU$18.00
C0047 Australia 1936CrownXM3aCoNiZinc, KangaroosProof$18.00
C0048 Australia1936CrownXM3a?CN, KangarooProof$10.00
C0049 Australia1937CrownUnlistedBrass, crown.Prooflike$14.00
C0050 Australia1937CrownUnlistedBronze, crown.Prooflike$14.50
C0051 Australia197050 Cents69CN, Cook's VoyageGem$3.00
C0052 Australia1985$1085.925 Silver, State of VictoriaProof$8.50
C0053 Hutt River Pro.1990$5X28.999 Silver, 1 Ounce, Koala.Proof$25.00
C0054 Hutt River Province1991$5X32CN, F117A Stealth Jet Fighter, scarce Prooflike Version, normally only have BU.Prooflike$15.00
C0055 Hutt River1991$5X50CN, Women's Armed Forces.BU║║
C0056 Hutt River Pro1992$5UnlistCN, Russian-American Link-Up.BU$10.00
C0057 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Kamikaze - The Flying Bomb.BU$10.00
C0058 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Search and Rescue.BU$11.00
C0059 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, The Enola Gay Mission.BU$10.00
C0060 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Bridge at Remagen.BU$10.00
C0061 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Submarine Warfare in the Pacific.BU$10.00
C0062 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Fight for Iwo Jima.BU$10.00
C0063 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Landings on Okinawa.BU$10.00
C0064 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Break-Out at Saint-Lo.BU$10.00
C0065 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Capture of Cherbourg.BU$10.00
C0066 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Marine Landing on Leyte Island.BU$10.00
C0067 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Battle of Leyte Gulf.BU$10.00
C0068 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Baseball Father, Henry Chadwick.BU$11.50
C0069 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Baseball Father, Abner Doubleday.BU$11.50
C0070 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Baseball Father, Alexander Cartwright.BU$12.00
C0071 Hutt River Pro.1992$5UnlistCN, Baseball Father, Harry Wright.BU$13.00
C0072 Hutt River Pro.1994$5UnlistBrass, 44 Diameter, 50th Year WWII, D-Day, w/certificates.BU$14.00
C0073 Hutt River Pro.1991$10UnlistBrass, Victory flag, holder.BU$14.00
C0074 Hutt River Pro.1993$10Unlist.999 Silver plated Brass, Dinosaurs, 44 Diameter, w/certificates.Prooflike$15.00
C0075 Hutt River Pro.1991$20UnlistGold plated, Brass, Pearl Harbor.Proof$13.00
C0076 Hutt River Pro.1979$30X11.999 Silver, Skylab. Mtg:500pcs Proof$50.00
C0077 Hutt River Pro.1986$100X17.999 Silver, 6 Oz. Liberty, Kangaroo.Proof$85.00
C0078 Keeling Cocos19775 Rupees7CNUnc$89.00
C0079 Keeling Cocos197710 Rupees8.925 Silver, Palm tree, Bust. w/box, certificates, mintage: 4,000 pieces.Proof$130.00
C0080 Keeling Cocos197725 Rupees9.925 Silver, Palm tree, Bust. w/box, certificates, mintage: 4,000 pieces.Proof$200.00
C0081 Keeling Cocos1977150 Rupees10a.916 Gold, .2497 Oz, Palm tree, Bust. w/box, certificates, mintage: 2,000 pieces.Proof$370.00
C0089 Azores19015 Reis16CopperVF$13.00
C0090 Bahamas1984$2105CN, Flamingos. Mtg:1,036pcs. Key coin.Proof$25.00
C0091 Bahamas1989$5132.925 Silver, Christopher Columbus sword. Mtg: 4,000pcs, w/COA, box.Proof$39.00
C0100 Bangladesh1992Taka14.932 Silver, Olympics Runners with Torch.Proof$30.00
C0101 Barbados1970$49CN, FAO Bananas.Unc$9.50
C0102 Barbados1970$49CN, FAO Bananas.Proof$14.00
C0103 Barbados1995$562CN, UN 50 years Flag with FolderBU$13.50
C0104 Barbados197825 Dollars27.925 Silver, Coronation Jubliee.Proof$15.00
C0105 Barbados198025 Dollars30.500 Silver, 10th Anniv. Caribbean Bank. Mtg:2,345Proof$22.50
C0106 Barbados 1983$2537.925 Silver, 30th Anniv. Coronation. Mtg:2,951pcsProof$23.00
C0119 Belize1990$2100a.925 Silver, 90th Birthday Queen Mother, First $2.Proof$30.00
C0120 Belize1995$5126.925 Silver, Balmoral Castle. CV for $50.Proof$30.00
C0121 Belize1978$2554.925 Silver, Coronation Jubliee.Proof$20.00
C0122 Belize1980$2561.500 Silver, 10th Anniv. Caribbean Bank. Mtg:2,647Proof$23.00
C0123 Benin1995 200 Francs16CN, UN 50 years Boat in FolderBU$16.00
C0124 Benin1992500 Francs3.999 Silver, SoccerBU$30.00
C0125 Bermuda1959Crown13.925 Silver, Ship and Map BU$18.50
C0150 Biafra1969Pound6.750 Silver, Eagle, a Very scarce crownBU$159.99
C0157 Bosnia Herzegovina1993500 Dinara1CN, Dinosaurs Brontosaurus. First Coin IssueUnc$18.00
C0158 Bosnia Herzegovina1993500 Dinara4CN, Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus RexUnc$18.00
C0169 British East Africa1936CrownXM2aCoNiZinc, Lion Proof$25.00
C0176 BVI Islands1980$526CN, Great Blue Heron. Mtg: 1,007 pcs.BU$29.00
C0177 BVI Islands1978$2522.925 Silver, Coronation Jubliee.Proof$23.00
C0179 British West Africa 1936CrownXM2Brz, Lion Mtg:1,000pcs Proof$27.00
C0180 British West Africa 1936CrownXM2aCoNiZinc, Lion Proof$25.00
C0181 British West Indies18221/16 Dollar1.892 Silver.VF$29.00
C0182 BWI18221/8 Dollar2.892 Silver.VF$32.00
C0183 BWI18221/4 Dollar3.892 Silver.Fine+$30.00
C0188 Buck Island19581/2 BuckXTN1Bronze, Island's map. Mtg:10,000pcs. Very ScarceUnc$23.00
C0189 Buck Island1958BuckXTN4Copper-Ni-Zinc, Map. Mtg:350pcs Very ScarceUnc$45.00
C0190 Buck Island1961BuckXTN5Copper-Ni-Zinc, Map. Mtg:350pcs Very ScarceUnc$43.00
C0191 Buck Island19581/2 BuckDIESSteel, Cancled Dies, Pair observe and reserve. Unique.Nice$510.00
C0192 Buck Island1961BuckDIESSteel, Cancled Dies, Pair observe and reserve. Unique.Nice$510.00
All price quoted are retail price, for quantity wholesale price please email for the detail.║║║║

опюбхкю / A-B / C / D-G / H-L / M-R / S-Z

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