мю цкюбмсч

опюбхкю / A-B / C / D-G / H-L / M-R / S-Z

Order # CountryDateDenominationsKM#/Y#Coin DescriptionConditionPrice
C0196 Khmer Rep.1970Riel59CN, FAO Issue. Mtg:5,000pcsXF$10.00
C0197 Khmer Rep.1970Riel59CN, FAO Issue. Mtg:5,000pcsAU$15.00
C0198 Cambodia198820 Riels72.999 Silver, SoccerChBU$29.00
C0199 Cameroon 1948Franc8AlumBU$5.00
C0200 Cameroon 196050 Francs13CN, IndependenceChBU$12.00
C0201 Cameroon 196050 FrancsE10CN, Independence Mtg:1,500pcs BU$26.00
C0202 Cameroon 1971100 FrancsE13Ni, Glant Mtg:1,550pcs BU$32.50
C0219 Central Africa Empire1978100 Francs8Nickel, only issue coin, $400 CV for Unc, scarce.Fine+$40.00
C0220 Central Africa Empire1978100 FrancsE5Nickel, Essai, Mtg: 1,900 pcs.BU$320.00
C0221 Chad1985500 Francs13CN, WomanVF$14.00
C0222 Chad1985500 Francs13CN, WomanUnc$45.00
C0223 Chad 1971100 FrancsE3Ni, Glant. Mtg:1,700pcs ChBU$43.00
C0226 China-Kwangtung 192920 CentsY426SilverChBU$13.00
C0227 China-Rep.General Issue1927Dollar318a.?.890 SilverChoice Toned BU, light rim nick$25.00
C0228 China-Rep.-General Issue1934$1Y345.800 Silver, Junk ChBU$35.00
C0229 China-MengChiang19385 Chiao521CNAU$17.00
C0230 Chinese Soviet RepublicNDCent506aCopper, restrikeGem BU$22.00
C0231 Chinese Soviet RepublicND5 Cents507aCopper, restrikeGem BU$25.00
C0388 ComorosAH 13085 Centimes1BronzeVF$27.00
C0402 Belgian Congo 19102 Centimes16CopperAU$20.00
C0403 Congo Dem. Rep.196520 Francs3.900 Gold, .1867 Oz. 5th anniv. of Independence Mtg:900pcsProof$120.00
C0404 Congo Dem. Rep.19675 Makuta9CoNi BU$9.50
C0405 Congo1984100 Francs3CN, HandballProof$17.50
C0406 Congo Repulic1991500 Francs6.999 Silver, SoccerChBU$28.00
C0407 Congo Repulic19931000 Francs15.999 Silver, Sailing ShipProof$34.00
C0408 Congo200210 FrancsNew.925 Silver, General George Patton Jr. 1885-1945. LionProof$23.00
C0409 Congo200210 FrancsNew.925 Silver, General Erwin Rommel 1891-1944.Proof$18.00
C0410 Katanga1961Franc1Brz, BananaBU$10.50
C0411 Republic of Zaire19755 Zaires10.925 Silver, Okapi. 6,431pcsProof$35.00
All price quoted are retail price, for quantity wholesale price please email for the detail.║║║║

опюбхкю / A-B / C / D-G / H-L / M-R / S-Z

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